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Writer's pictureShrikant Soman

█ The Human Disciple 3.9 - Practical Translation of Divine Law

Chapter Three

The Human Disciple

Note 3.9

Practical Translation of Divine Law

▀ ▄ New Law of Life and Action

Arjuna wants to have a clear distinction between

Renunciations of works and this subtler renunciation he is asked to prefer

Purusha and Prakriti

The Field and the Knower of the Field

This distinction is very important for Arjuna to know in order to practice the desireless action under the drive of the divine Will.

And finally he wants to have a clear statement of the practical operations and results of the three modes of Prakriti which he is called upon to surmount.

To such a disciple the Teacher of the Gita gives his divine teaching. He seizes him at a moment of his psychological development engulfed by egoistic action.

It is a moment of his life when all the mental, moral and emotional values of the ordinary egoistic and social life of man have collapsed in a sudden bankruptcy.

Krishna has to lift him up

Out of this lower life into a higher consciousness,

Out of ignorant attachment to action into that which transcends, yet originates and orders action,

Out of ego into Self,

Out of life in mind, vitality and body into that higher nature beyond mind which is the status of the Divine.

At the same time, Krishna has to give Arjuna that for which he asks and for which he is inspired to seek by the guidance within him.

He has to give him a new Law of life and action high above the insufficient rule of the ordinary human existence.

The ordinary human existence is having endless conflicts and oppositions, perplexities and illusory certainties. He has to give him a higher Law by which the soul shall be free from this bondage of works. At the same time, this Law should be powerful enough to act and conquer in the vast liberty of its divine being.

It is absolutely necessary that

The action must be performed

The world must fulfil its cycles, and

The soul of the human being must not turn back in ignorance from the work it is here to do.

Towards the fulfilment of these three objects is the whole course of the Gita determined and directed. This aim is constantly kept in view even in its widest wheeling.


....... ▀ ▄ Chapter Three - Note 9 ........

The Human Disciple - Concluded

.......... to continue Chapter 4 - The Core of the Teaching

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