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Writer's pictureShrikant Soman

Core of the Teaching - 4.4 - Essential difference between the Modern Mind and the Gita

Chapter 4

Core of the Teaching

Essential difference between the Modern Mind and the Gita

▀ ▄ Clear Concept of Yugadharma of Current Age

We are not denying the utility of this development for the good of the humanity at large. It is especially needed at the present day. It is part of the divine Will, otherwise it would not have become so dominant in humanity in the first place.

There is no reason to believe that the divine man, the man who lives in the Brahmic consciousness, in the God-being should not be all of these things in his action. Surely, he will be all of these things if they are the best ideal of the age, the Yugadharma. There can not be any higher ideal to be established, no radical change to be effected from this philosophy.

Even in Gita, Krishna has advocated that Arjuna, his disciple should be the best who has to set the standard for others. Going further, Arjuna is called upon to live according to the highest ideals of his age and the prevailing culture. However, here Gita has not just stopped at this point. It has stressed that the Ideal Man should live with understanding of that which lay behind, and not as ordinary man who follows merely the outward law and rule.

The essential difference between the Modern Mind and the Gita is as follows :

Modern mind has excluded from its philosophy

the God or the Eternal and

spirituality or the God-State,

On the other hand, these two things are the master conceptions of the Gita.

Modern mind lives in humanity only, and the Gita would have us live in God, though for the world in God.

Modern mind lives in its life, heart and intellect only, and the Gita would have us live in the spirit,

Modern Mind live in the mutable Being who is “all creature”, and the Gita would have us live also in the Immutable and the Supreme

Modern Mind live in the changing march of Time, and the Gita would have us live in the Eternal.

The modern mind has recently emerged to vaguely envisage these higher things as advocated by the Gita. However, here also, it is only to make these higher things subservient to man and society. However, we have to note that the God and spirituality exist in their own right and not as supplementary things.

It is important that in practical life,

The lower in us must learn to exist for the higher

in order that

The higher in us may also consciously exist for the lower

so as to draw the lower to its own altitudes.

・゚゚・:.。..。.:゚::✼✿ - *▀ ▄ Chapter Four - Core of the Teaching ✿✼:゚:.。..。.:・゚゚・

End of Note Four

»»»»»» to continue to Note Five

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